Want to know What Technology Asset Folio Clients Use To Look At The Real Estate Opportunities We Send Them?

by Thomas Harper

It is a question we talk about in our office, which tribe are you siding with? 

On one side we have our die hard PC and Google users who are eager to dismiss the might of Apple products and with the new HTC have allowed themselves a momentarily glimmer of light 

Then we have our Apple followers, where anything Apple is amazing and they will not have a bad word said, these followers in our office are all about the simplicity and style associated with Apple but will use any opportunity to exploit any gadget that has not been designed by Mr Sir Ives himself to their advantage in this office tech war.

So now we have the results in, to make the contest fair we have used data taken over the last 3 months from various sources of information we at Asset Folio have sent to our clients, 

This has ranged from the latest investment opportunity to a new brochure for a multi million euro villa in the hills to updates on various projects and apartments. In all, the information can be looked, digested and read through any device and we wanted to know what our clients were using to look at the information we send out to them.

And to add weight to this argument our clients stretch all over the world from Australia through the Middle East across Northern Europe up past the UK and accross the pond to America round to China and finally up to Russia and back here to Marbella Spain.

  • Lying in 5th spot with 1.8% of our users is Samsung Galaxy Note 3 
  • In 4th spot is Orange Yumo with 3.2%
  • 3rd place goes to Samsung Galaxy S4 mini with 3.9%
  • 2nd place with a mouth watering 34.17% is the Apple Ipad
  • And with a commanding 44.95% of Asset Folio users the device that our clients prefer to use to read the latest on property, news and the latest investment opportunities we send to them is .....................

We will let you guess this one or email info@assetfolio.com and we will let you know.

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