Asset Folio Launches New Website

by Thomas Harper

We are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website for 2015/16 

At Asset Folio we always strive for perfection in everything we do and are never happy settling for anything that is sub-standard or not at the cutting edge. Our website and agent portal are at the forefront of a customers engagment with our company so it is so important that we keep this up to date and inline with the feedback we receive from our users.

For V4 we have really stripped back the elements that were cluttering the old version of the site and created a much more visual, user friendly experience.

We have launched our "Live Chat" feature that allows users to immediately engage in a conversation with us - a feature currently only available during office hours but that soon we hope to have operational for longer periods.

New to the site is Asset Folio Commercial and Asset Folio Affiliates.

Asset Folio Commercial has been launched and will be looked after by Roberto Campolucci Bordi in response to a demand from our investors for access to commercial investment opportunities both here in Marbella and else where, more on this in one of our next blog pieces...

Asset Folio Affiliates comes from the growing number of clients and companies we work with who are reccomending their friends, familiys and customers to us who wanted a platform where they could easily access key pieces of information that we don't publish on our website.

We hope you all enjoy this new expericen and please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below...

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