Is "Photography Photography Photography" the new "Location, Location, Location ?"

by Thomas Harper


Pictures that are poor or less-than-flattering can turn buyers off, leading to fewer leads and offers. In real estate, high quality pictures are worth more than a thousand words, they can be worth thousands of euros.

According to a recent survey of buyers and sellers 80% of the people who purchased a new property last year they used the Internet while researching their purchase. 

These buyers rated photographs as the single most useful tool in their search. Agents say the photos buyers see online are often the first, and sometimes the only, chance they may get to make a good impression.

The photograph is almost always the first element of communication with any potential buyer. It is the handshake, the first impression, the thing that cuts through the visual clutter to capture the buyer's attention. 

Everything in the marketing campaign to sell your home relies on the quantity and quality of the photographs of your home. Many times, buyers will decide if they will make an enquiry based on the strength of the photos accompanying a listing. Quality photos can and do make a difference,

A recent study monitoring listings over a 30-day period which clearly showed that properties which feature just one photo generated approximately five views and 1.37 leads, while listings displaying 21 or more images received over 77 views and dose to 11 leads.

Clearly, the listings that added 20+ photos generated nearly 10 times the number of leads and over 15 times the number of views. 

Another study relating to the number of photos attached to a property listing compares photos to the number of Days on Market (DOM). These findings show that listings with more photos sold faster.

- 1 photo = 70 DOM (days on market)

- 6 photos = 40 DOM

-16-19 photos= 36 DOM

- 20 photos max - 32 DOM

And listings with fewer photos sold for less. The Closed NET Price as a percentage of the Original Price also showed a direct correlation. 

- 1 Photo = 91.2% of Original Price

- 6 or more = 95% of Original Price

According to these findings, a €600,000 apartment, sporting only one photo, could sell for as much as 3.8% LESS or a loss of over €22,000, just because there was only one photo accompanying the listing. 

Keep in mind that none of these reports/findings mention the quality of the photographs. If photos are the most important factor, it would follow that by having great, high quality photographs, you can be even further ahead of the game. 

In many cases, it is the agents themselves who are snapping the pictures and posting them on the agency website. Because of this, it is important that sellers choose an agent who will take professional looking photos or pay for a professional photographer.

"Location, location, location" is the common catch phrase when buying a house. "Photography, photography, photography" will soon be the new advise when selling. 

If you look at the difference between photos taken by a professional and ones taken by brokers/agents with digital cameras, it's not hard to see that you get what you pay for. Professional photographers use professional equipment, have the skills set to use it and they have a trained eye for making your home look its best. This is their job, they're professionals.

And paying to have professional real estate photographs, in comparison, is not really expensive when you consider the benefits. It stands to reason then, that it is very important to have photos that are professionally presented.


Asset Folio tips to selling your property.

- Ask prospective agents to show you samples of their photographic work or that of their professional photographer

- Request to review the photos before they are posted on their website and sent to prospective clients.

-And, insist on the maximum number of photos or at least the maximum number of photos to properly represent your home.

To arrange a meeting to look at the work Asset Folio has historically done with their clients and to dicuss marketing your property please drop us an email to arraneg an appointment.

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