Green Shoots Showing And Demand is strengthening for Coastal Areas in Spain

by Thomas Harper

Demand from foreign buyers grew by 27.2 per cent in the first quarter compared to a year earlier, with foreigners representing 19.4 per cent of the total sales market, according to the latest data released by the Spanish General Council of Notaries.

Of the foreigner buyers, the lion’s share were non-residents, who accounted for 47.2 per cent of the market, providing a clear driver for any rebound in sales.

The  biggest increases in foreign demand were found in coastal areas, including a 43.3 per cent jump in Basque country, 41.1 per cent in Catalonia and a 36.4 per cent increase in the Balearics. There was also a big increase in Madrid, where foreign demand 42.5 per cent, which fits with the recent growth in international investor in Spain’s undervalued big cities.

This is a very posative step for the real estate market and for Asset Folio who this fall will be soon launching 1 of 3 new investment project in Marbella,

If you would like to discuss these new statistics or to ask our investment team which projects suit your portfolio, then please send us an email to and we will arrange a call.



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